7:20 am right now. What is up with this new insomnia I have? I seriously can't make it past 6 am. I miss last summer when I couldn't get out of bed before 11!
Yesterday was my first day of German class. I'm not gonna lie, it was killer. I got put in the "weniger Stark" (less strong) group with Lin and Anthony. It's kinda embarrassing being put in the "remedial German" class, but we haven't studied the language as long as the other Libby's (or been here before like most of them have.) Lin and I were joking around that we would spend the whole day learning animals and the noises they make, but instead we had to spend two hours straight on just Prepositions. :-( We did learn some new animal names though! My favorite is Papagei (parrot.)
The class is entirely in German (our teacher only speaks a little bit of English.) We were all so braindead afterwards that we didn't even try speaking German with each other again for a couple more hours. Since we were learning Prepositions, we were talking mostly about apartments and living arrangements. Not the most exciting topic in the world. Our homework was incredibly difficult. You'd think "Fill in the blank with the correct preposition" would be a rather easy task, but there are so many words in German that mean the same thing in English! Plus we also have to determine whether the preposition is Dative, Accusative, or Both (in which case we need to look at the verb to determine if the action includes direction or not.) Then we have to put the proper case ending on the article or possessive pronoun before the noun. Back in the day, you used to have to also put a case ending on the main noun itself, but luckily that's obsolete now. Some of the homework problems really stumped us, and when I asked Oli for help on Facebook he didn't know what some of answers were either, and Deutsch is his Muttersprache so I don't think we should feel too bad. lol
We had to do a little writing exercise, which I always enjoy most about homework, but of course the questions were horrendously boring. The first was: "Describe your room in Dresden." The second was: "Describe the difference between living situations in Germany and living situations in the US." (I put that the most important difference is that in Germany one can drink alcohol in the student dorms!) The third question was: "What do you need to live?" I put my computer, iPod, and Handy. And of course my German techno! Vielleicht brauche ich auch meine Handschellen zu wohnen? haha
In the afternoon I went for a run through Grosser Garten again, but I got horribly lost. I didn't have my map or cellphone (or even my glasses for that matter,) so I spent a good hour wandering around in the rain before I finally made my way back. That park is a lot bigger than I thought! It even has a little train that runs around the middle of it. I think next time I'll stick to just running around the edge of the park or something a little less twisty-curvy.
Lin and I went to IKEA again so she could return some stuff and I could get new sheets (goodbye nasty beer stains!) We ended up getting comforters and pillows a full-length mirror too. I finally got curtains, but I couldn't get the curtain rod to work so I had to ducttape them over my window! It's a good thing I have German friends who could translate that for me when I was trying to explain it in my writing exercise. If only I knew how to say, "My room in Dresden is so ghetto-fab."
By the way, the picture I added is of me dancing at Club Royal last Friday. Party's Here!
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