23 September 2010

Erfolg macht sexy!

"Success makes sexy!" haha.  I saw that on a bus stop ad while I was jogging the other day.  (Also, I just tried to write bus stop as one word and Blogger corrected me. lol)  I'm becoming more successful in German, but also losing some of my English skills.  I'm finding it difficult to transition between writing in German and English, although with just speaking it's still pretty easy.

Not a very exciting week, but there were a few highlights.  Some of it's rather personal, but as most of you know, I'm not really the shy type.

On Tuesday I went to the Frauenarzt (woman doctor aka gynecologist) to get a new prescription for the Pill.  One of the RA's told me that that would be easier than just trying to go to a regular doctor.  It was in fact incredibly quick and easy.  Kinda made me mad at the US for making birth control so difficult and expensive!  (I blame the Catholics...)  I had expected the doctor to be a woman, since the name was Uwe and most gynos in the States are woman, but when I asked to see die Arztin (female doctor), the secretaries laughed and were like, "Nein, er ist ein Arzt."  Mein Fehler!  So that was a little odd, but whatever.  

The wait didn't take long, and then when I met the doctor I just told him that I was from America and my BC prescription had expired and I would like to get a new one here.  He asked me some basic questions and had me do a quick pap.  The paps here are pretty different.  You don't get a little curtain to put on top, and in the middle of it one of his secretaries came in, sat down at the computer, and started chatting with the doctor.  For being such "private people," the Germans sure don't seem to mind nudity!  It didn't freak me out or anything, but it was rather odd.  All in all, the entire process went much quicker than in the US anyways.

Then the doctor pulled out a sheet of all the different kinds of birth control and had me point at the one I took in the States.  He wrote me a prescription for 6 months and send me on my way to the Apotheke.  I tried to pay for the visit at the door, but they wanted to send me a bill instead.  I must have looked like such a clueless American.  At least I did the whole thing in German!  That's not such an easy task.  At the Apotheke they gave me all the pills for the 6 months all at once (sweet!), and it was only 38 euro.  I wonder if the State subsidizes birth control here or something.  In America it's $40/month, and you have to go back every month to pick it up.  Also, they filled the prescription wicked fast.  I don't even know how the woman did it, but I just handed her the Rezept and then within a minute it had slid down into a tray behind her!  Much better than those 20 min waits at CVS.

So that was my little cultural adventure this week.  Hope no one got too grossed out!  Tomorrow we're going to Meißen to see a Porcelain Factory and a mountain (maybe a castle too, I'm not too sure.)  I'm definitely the most excited for the Porcelain Factory! :-)

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