15 October 2010

Big Kid Classes

I just had my first week of actual university classes here at T.U.  The semester starts so late, it's ridiculous.  The students get two weeks off for Christmas and then finals are first week in February or so.  Needless to say, I have to leave well before then so I can start the American schedule on Jan. 13.  Silke gave us all letters to show our professors that explain the situation and ask if there's some way we can receive an early grade.  Since most of my classes have a final paper or presentation instead of a test, it hasn't been an issue for me.

As it stands, my current classes are Wortbildungmuster des Deutschen (German Word Building Patterns), Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Introduction to Middle English, Deutsch als Fremdsprache (German as a Foreign Language), and Luther und die Deutsche Sprache (Martin Luther and the German Language.)  So that means two classes in English and three in German, although the Luther class, where we're going to be learning Frühneuhochdeutsch (Early New High German) is only for audit.  I'd like to say that I'm able to take university classes in German without any trouble, but right now I'm still reading at a 5th grade level or so.  

Teaching English is probably my most practical class because I've been seriously considering it as an option after graduation.  Middle English is just for fun, and Word Building Patterns will fulfill my last requirement towards my Linguistics major at BU.  DaF is also very practical and the class I'm looking forward to most, because I really do want to improve my German quickly!  I took the placement test on Wednesday, so I won't find out until next Wednesday which level I placed into and which classes I can take.  In other good news, I got an A in my Intensive German Course!  I saw my final exam too, and I did a lot better than I'd expected.

I'm also taking an Aerobics class (8 am on Tuesdays! woot!)  Hopefully it'll be fun and teach me some German too.  At least it'll give me some practical experience if I end up teaching Aerobics when I get back to the States.  Besides, I've always wanted to take an aerobics class in German after hearing this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZF1z2Nc67Y (I really want to meet the guys that made this video! lol)

Last night was Russian Night at the Gutz (the bar in the basement of my dorm.)  Nothing there was actual Russian, except for some food they were selling.  I was expecting cheap vodka specials and "Volna" on the dance floor!  Lin and I tried to get into Club Mensa, but the line was around the corner, and we're too cool to wait. :-)

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