Since classes have started I've had a ridiculous amount of free time. Most classes only meet once a week, and since it was the first week we don't have any homework yet either. Only my Teaching Class has a textbook, so I've been reading that a little. My Word Building Design class has a Literature List, but I'm not sure which book is best for beginners so I emailed the Professor asking her opinion. Still haven't heard back though... I'm also hesitant to buy any new books until my new debit card from America gets here and I have access to my money again.
Last night Lin and I went out to PM Club (Club Royal) in Altmarkt. That's where I went my first weekend in Dresden and met Oli. That was on 80's and 90's night when it was practically empty, but last night it was too full. I don't like bumping into people all the time and not having much room to dance, plus when some guy comes up behind me I have no means of escape. By the end of the night I was beginning to feel pretty claustrophobic. Plus there was this really tall fat guy who kept trying to grind on me. I would feel something squishy behind me and think "Oh no, what is this..." Lin and I got circled by guys a couple times too. The music started out as only Black Music, but then they played some faster hiphop and club tunes, but no true House or Techno. The DJ did play "Shots," but apparently no one in Germany knows the proper dance because Lin and I were the only ones fist-pumping and jumping during the chorus. German kids need to watch more music videos.
Speaking of fist-pumping, the club was full of guidos. Is Jersey Fever really spreading this far? They were more harmless than true guidos (not many fake tans and no fist-pumping), but they all had Ed Hardy shirts and gelled hair. Some even had mullets, which made me smile. :-) They could have been actual Italians, but who knows. I'm not sure why they were all at this club that night. Maybe because it was "Casino Night" and the DJ was playing Black Music? They were dropping their empty beer bottles on the floor like usual, which is really turning into one of my biggest pet peeves. Broken glass is NOT SAFE people!
So I was looking at the Stats for this page, and I'm getting a lot of page views from around the world. Germany is far in the lead, with the US and France not too far behind. My blog also seems to be quite popular in India. I definitely don't know anyone there...
With so many page hits, I'm rather disappointed that I haven't been seeing any comments! Who's out there???
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