After we got in, we had to wait another 20 minutes to check our coats. Then we danced for awhile, and the music was upbeat and fun like last time! Unfortunately the dance floor was also packed like sardines, so we couldn't do much besides shake side to side a little. We got in line at the bar (Die Nacht der Schlangen, The Night of Snakes aka Lines) and had to wait another 20 minutes to get served. While in line we met a guy from Canada and a guy from South Africa, so we talked to them in English to pass the time. Once we made it to the bar it took awhile for the bartender to notice us (even though I was holding out money.) This really drunk guy next to me was trying to talk to me but I was having a hard time understanding his German. He felt bad that everyone around us was getting served except for us, so he bought me a shot of tequila and told me to smile more.
I ended up doing three shots of tequila in a row, but I barely even felt it. I guess since we went right back to dancing afterwards we probably ended up sweating it out. I had class at 9:20 the next morning so I didn't want to stay out too late. We spent another half an hour or so dancing, but then the music got kinda slow and boring. We had another 20 minute wait in the coatcheck line, and then we finally made it home. Of the 3 hours we were out that night, we must have spent at least 2 in lines. It was still an experience though, and hey, it was free!
Speaking of free things, today I went with Jason and Anthony to see Apocalyptica play a live acoustic set at Centrum Gallerie here in Dresden. I don't know much about the band, but it was free and Jason told me they play with cellos so I was interested to see what it was all about. I always thought they were heavy metal, but actually their songs turned out to be really soothing and sadly romantic. I don't understand why they had long hair and wore black t-shirts then. Maybe their actual concerts (not acoustic) get a little wilder. Then Jason and I got some noodles and he went to Karstadt to get more Dr. Pepper. I checked and they're out of Poptarts again (not like it really matters because I've still got at least 20 packs in the package from my parents!)
Naw, Apocalyptica is pretty much always like that, but sometimes they have a guest metal singer or something. I think they want to show how as "metal heads" they can be "cultured" and play classical music but can still have long hair and be "badass." A good number of metal/rock bands like to do that actually...like, suddenly decide to have an orchestra play their music at their concerts. Apocalyptica is pretty good though. Just iunno, gimmicky?